? 圭亚那考虑组建自己的国有石油公司。
? 圭亚那副总统:实现圭亚那经济多元化至关重要。
? 圭亚那将寻找一个“战略合作伙伴”来经营一家国有石油公司。
在此之前,埃克森美孚公司还作出了为其在圭亚那的Yellow Tail项目追加100亿美元的最终投资决定(FID),这个项目将在2025年开始生产,石油日产量为25万桶,这是埃克森美孚公司在圭亚那迄今最大的石油开发项目。
推动圭亚那加大对其石油财富的控制并不是什么新鲜事。圭亚那因与埃克森美孚公司的交易而受到批评,原因是圭亚那在与该公司的最初交易中,让步太多。 全球见证组织2020年的一份报告显示,圭亚那在与埃克森美孚公司的海上石油交易中损失了高达550亿美元。
李峻 编译自 美国油价网
Guyana Considers Creating Own State-Owned Oil Company
· Guyana considers creation of state-run oil company.
· Guyana President: diversifying Guyana's economy is crucial.
· Guyana will look for a “strategic partner” to run a state-run oil company.
The world’s newest offshore oil player, Guyana, is considering making a big move—one that could sideline Exxon from bidding on further exploration areas, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said at the BNEF Summit in New York on Tuesday.
The news comes as Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said that the nation’s oil wealth poses a risk, and that diversifying the fastest growing economy in the world would be critical.
It also follows Exxon’s FID for an additional $10 billion on its Yellow Tail project, which should start producing in 2025 with a production of 250,000 bpd—Exxon’s largest Guyanese project to date.
Guyana is now planning the next round of oil licensing, with decisions on the licensing process expected by September, but Guyana has had concerns about the number of oil projects Exxon now controls.
Guyana has been inundated with oil company interest after Exxon made its initial discovery since 2015, and Guyana will now look for a “strategic partner” to run a state-run oil company—potentially from the Middle East.
The push for Guyana to have a bigger hand in its oil wealth is nothing new. Guyana was criticized for the deal it made with Exxon following Exxon’s initial discovery on the grounds that Guyana gave up too much to Exxon. One report from Watchdog Global Witness in 2020 suggested that Guyana lost as much as $55 billion from its offshore oil deal with Exxon.
Exxon has made more than 20 discoveries in Guyana, and the oil supermajor is prioritizing its exploration and production in Guyana due to low breakevens and high-quality, light, sweet oil found there.
Guyana’s oil production is expected to rise to 800,000 bpd by 2025, Jagdeo said.