据OE网站8月16日报道,根据伍德麦肯兹(Wood Mackenzie)的一份新报告显示,未来五年,勘探支出(不包括评估)将从历史低点回升至平均每年220亿美元的实际水平。
伍德麦肯兹全球勘探研究主管朱莉·威尔逊(Julie Wilson)表示,未来几年,勘探者将变得更加大胆。尽管这种反弹可能会让一些人感到意外,但必须放在大背景下看待。2006年至2014年期间,勘探经历了繁荣,支出达到790亿美元的峰值(按2023年条款计算)。但在之前的六年里,每年的平均收入为270亿美元(按2023年条款计算)。虽然支出会增加,但不会回到接近过去高点的水平,而且增长可能会有上限。缺乏能够满足当今经济和ESG指标的高质量前景,继续关注资本纪律将遏制超支情况发生。
郝芬 译自 OE网站
Oil and Gas Exploration Spending Expected to Recover from Historic Lows
Exploration spending (excluding appraisal) will recover from historic lows to an average of $22 billion per annum in real terms over the next five years, according to a new report from Wood Mackenzie.
Tailwinds from attractive exploration economics, the need for energy security and the emergence of new frontiers will incentivize oil and gas companies, led by NOCs and Majors, to increase exploration spending through 2027, according to Wood Mackenzie’s new “Exploration quietly recovering” report.
“Explorers will become bolder in the coming years,” said Julie Wilson, director of global exploration research at Wood Mackenzie. “While this rebound might surprise some, it must be seen in context. Exploration went through a boom during 2006-2014 and spend peaked at US$79 billion (in 2023 terms). But in the prior six years, the average was US$27 billion per year in 2023 terms.
“While spending will increase, it won’t return to anywhere close to past highs and there will likely be a ceiling on the increase. There is a lack of high-quality prospects that would satisfy today’s economic and ESG metrics and a continued focus on capital discipline will keep a lid on overspending.”
The growth will begin in 2023, with spending projected to increase 6.8% over 2022 totals (in real terms). A major driver for this increased activity is the robust business case. According to Wood Mackenzie, full-cycle returns from exploration have been consistently above 10% since 2018 and exceeded 20% in 2022.
“These positive results have increased confidence in exploration,” said Wilson. “Improved results are down to many factors. Portfolio high-grading coupled with greater discipline in spending and prospect choice mean only the best prospects are drilled and waste is minimized. Efficiency gains also serve to enhance the returns from both development and exploration.”
In the long term, deepwater and ultra-deepwater will provide the most growth opportunities for exploration. The Atlantic Margin of Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean regions will experience the greatest growth and there will be spend in some unspecified new frontiers.
“There are areas where leads and prospects are being worked up with recent seismic data, for example Uruguay, southern Argentina and deepwater Malaysia,” added Wilson. “Future spend in ‘success case’ areas is additional exploration following success, whether that's in a frontier like Namibia or Greece, or a more established province like Egypt's Nile Delta.”